“all the writers are in brooklyn these days”

 thought you might like to see this piece by colson whitehead in this sunday’s nyt book review section. here, he discusses what it means to be a writer living in brooklyn.


9 Responses to ““all the writers are in brooklyn these days””

  1. Benjamin Korman Says:

    My mom emailed this to me.

  2. I don’t care what anyone says, Colson Whitehead is a good writer…
    Is that part about “a tart in a toga” perchance a reference to an obscure and rather misleading movie called…err… (someone’s name, can’t remember it)’s Cool Ideas. Its a crap movie about a kid who writes cool ideas into a book, and a nymphomaniac girl steals it during a toga party. and all this stuff.
    I call it misleading because it was very pseudo intellectual. Cool ideas are… well cool, but people hyping them… makes them… well, less cool..?
    I digress, it was an unimportant reference.

  3. eventker Says:

    dude Ben – my mom sent this to me too!

  4. lauracobos Says:

    i emailed this to my mom.

  5. Benjamin Korman Says:

    Holy shit– We have the same mom!

  6. eventker Says:

    haha yeah that’s really fucking weird!

  7. I read the book Subway Chronicles : Scenes From Life in New York and I looked at all of the bios and was surprised to learn that all of the writers’ bios went like “so and so lives in Brooklyn”. (and yes, our dear Mr Whitehead is in there)

    also lol @ your moms, they so hip

  8. abattoir vigilante Says:

    i don’t have a mom so I didn’t get this email.

  9. Aw vigilante 😦

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